

Approaching 100th Day In Office, President Biden's Approval Over 50%

The president is set to address Congress Wednesday to discuss future proposals and his first 100 days in office.

President Biden during his inaugural speech: "Much to repair. Much to restore. Much to heal. Much to build. And much to gain."

President Biden this week marks 100 days in office. New polls show his approval rating is a few points over 50 percent. That’s better than his predecessor Donald Trump but worse than Presidents Obama and Bush at the 100-day mark.

In general, President Biden gets good grades for his handling of the pandemic and government relief….Less support on border immigration issues.

Top Republicans Sunday said the president is leading from the left. 

"I think he's been a very destabilizing president," Sen. Lindsey Graham said. "And economically, he's throwing a wet blanket over the recovery, wanting to raise taxes in a large amount and regulate America basically out of business. So I'm not very impressed with the first 100 days. This is not what I thought I would get from Joe Biden."

President Biden is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress Wednesday…though with a smaller in-person audience because of COVID protocols.

"It will be a little bit different because obviously there will be a limited number of people who are in in the Capitol and a limited number that will be determined by the speaker's office in terms of who will attend and who will have to watch virtually," White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said. 

The president is expected to talk about new proposals on paid family leave, expanding healthcare coverage, and free community college. Also... raising the tax on capital gains for the wealthiest Americans. He’s also expected to talk about the tough decisions of the past 100 days. 

Vice President Kamala Harris: "This is a president who has an extraordinary amount of courage. He is someone who I have seen over and over again make decisions based on what he truly believes, based on his years of doing this work and studying these issues, what he truly believes is the right thing to do."