

NY Times Reports Pres. Trump Had Pursued Projects In China

New York Times says Pres. Trump's corporate bank account paid more than $188,000 in taxes to the Chinese government between 2013 and 2015.

President Trump pursued projects in China for nearly a decade before winning the White House, even operating an office there during his first presidential run.

That's according to the New York Times, which also says President Trump still has a Chinese bank account — one of three outside the U.S.

The account is reportedly held under a corporate name and paid more than $188,000 in taxes to the Chinese government between 2013 and 2015. 

The New York Times previously reported the president paid no federal income taxes in the United States for two of those years.

A lawyer for the Trump Organization says the Chinese account was set up to explore possible hotel deals in Asia that never materialized. 

President Trump's relationship with China has continued to come up during his time in office and during his re-election campaign.

He has also tried to frame Joe Biden's stance on China as too soft.