

President Biden Is Headed On Vacation To South Carolina

President Biden will be visiting Kiawah Island, in South Carolina for vacation after signing two bipartisan bills.

President Joe Biden is headed for vacation on a high note.  

The president is visiting Kiawah Island, South Carolina, after signing two bipartisan bills: The CHIPS and Science Act, to make new investments in domestic high-tech manufacturing, and the PACT Act to expand health care for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits.  

And his biggest legislative priority, dubbed the Inflation Reduction Act, is expected to be on his desk by the time he returns to Washington.  

"The last six weeks have been one of the most productive six weeks in legislative history in decades," said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. 

It all comes with less than 100 days to go until the midterm elections. 

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: To what extend do you expect the Inflation Bill to help Democrats during the midterms once is passes Mr. President?

PRESIDENT BIDEN: Do I expect it to help? Yes I do. It's going to immediately help. 

President Biden has been seen as a drag on his party for most of the year. And though it's still too early to gauge the full political impact of Democrats' recent accomplishments, President Biden did see a slight jump in the polls, hitting 40% approval — his highest in two months. 

That's still lower than any of his recent predecessors at this point in their presidencies.  

But despite the sagging poll numbers, Democrats still remain competitive with Republicans.  

Recent polling shows the country is split evenly between those who want to see Democrats in charge of Congress, and those who prefer Republicans.  

GOP lawmakers see an opportunity to use pieces of the Inflation Reduction Act against Democrats as prices remain high.  

"The one thing I can tell you about this bill is it will not lower inflation. The same people who said the American Rescue Plan would rescue have thrown you back into the water," said Sen. Lindsey Graham.  

But Democrats are hoping the bill's passage marks a turning point ahead of the elections.  

"The sharp contrast that was provided today on the floor of the Senate is going to be part of how we frame our case to the American people, why they might want to support Democrats in the elections this fall," said Sen. Chris Coons.