

Trump Finally Says He Didn't Record Fired FBI Director

The House intelligence committee gave the White House until June 23 to release any tapes of those conversations.

After more than a month of back-and-forth, President Donald Trump finally said he didn't actually record his conversations with former FBI Director James Comey.

Trump tweeted, "I have no idea whether there are 'tapes' or recordings ... but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings."

The question of tapes is something the president created himself after he said Comey "better hope" there weren't any recordings of their multiple conversations before Comey was fired. That threat seemed to be a way to keep the former FBI director from talking with the media about what was said during his one-on-ones with the president.

All of this comes as reports suggest the president is under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller for obstruction of justice after firing Comey. Comey testified the president asked that he "let go" of the investigation into Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security adviser.

The House intelligence committee had given the White House until June 23 to release any tapes of those conversations, especially as the president has continuously refused to give a straight answer about the tapes until now.

So that means anything that happened between Trump and Comey is a he-said, he-said — unless Mueller can corroborate it in another way during the investigation. And Trump has already said he's willing to go under oath himself.

"100 percent," Trump said during a recent press conference.