

Rep. Devin Nunes Files $435M Defamation Lawsuit Against CNN

CNN reported that Nunes met with a Ukrainian prosecutor in Vienna last year to talk about digging up dirt on Joe Biden.

Rep. Devin Nunes has filed a $435 million defamation lawsuit against CNN over a story the network published last month.

That story reported that Nunes met with a Ukrainian prosecutor in Vienna last year to talk about digging up dirt on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. 

CNN said it got the information from a lawyer representing Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani who was recently indicted on campaign finance charges. 

Nunes' lawsuit disputes CNN's report, calling it a "demonstrably false hit piece" and a "fake news story."

And it accuses the writer of the story and the anchor who discussed it on air of conspiring with CNN to boost the network's ratings and further House Democrats' impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. 

CNN says it tried to reach Nunes multiple times for comment on the story, but he refused to acknowledge the network's questions. CNN has yet to comment on the lawsuit.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.