

Former Mike Flynn Deputy Changes Statement About Contacts With Russia

K.T. McFarland originally told investigators she hadn't talked with Mike Flynn about his contact with Russian officials.

When former deputy national security adviser K.T. McFarland first talked with the Russia investigation, she said her former boss Mike Flynn had not told her he'd discussed sanctions with Russian officials. Now she says she's not so sure.

Flynn pleaded guilty last December to lying to the FBI and said he talked with Russian officials about sanctions while he was part of President Donald Trump's transition team.

Part of Flynn's plea indicated he coordinated his meetings with another unnamed transition official — reportedly McFarland. Now McFarland says Flynn may have referred to the sanctions in their conversation, but not explicitly.

The Washington Post reports investigators from the Russia probe are satisfied with McFarland's revisions and don't believe she misled them on purpose.

The Russia investigation is looking to see who knew what and when in terms of Flynn's conversations with Russian officials. Vice President Mike Pence, who oversaw the president's transition team, has already said he didn't know about Flynn's contacts.