

John Bolton Warned Russia Not To Meddle In US Midterms

The two sides also discussed North Korea, Iran, nuclear weapons and re-establishing communications between the two countries.

U.S. national security adviser John Bolton told reporters he warned his Russian counterpart not to meddle in the upcoming midterm elections. 

Bolton met with Russia's national security director Nikolai Patrushev in Geneva on Thursday. The two talked for several hours, covering topics like North Korea, Iran, nuclear weapons and re-establishing communications between the two countries. 

Bolton said the Russian team didn't respond when he mentioned election interference. He told reporters he said the U.S. would not impose more sanctions against Moscow if it stopped interfering. Russia has denied any involvement in the 2016 meddling or reported interference since.

The disagreement over meddling prevented the two sides from producing a joint statement.

This is the first high-level meeting between the two countries since President Donald Trump met with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki in July.