

US Ambassador Says There'll Be New Sanctions Against Russian Companies

Ambassador Nikki Haley said the sanctions are meant to show Russia and Syria's other allies that "we mean business."

The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said there will be even more sanctions against Russia.

Haley said Sunday on "Face the Nation" that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin would announce the sanctions Monday "if he hasn't already."

Haley said the new Russia sanctions would apply to any companies related to the Syrian government or to chemical weapons use. She said the U.S. wants Syria's allies to know "we meant business." 

The announcement came days after the U.S., U.K. and France led a joint strike against Syrian chemical weapon facilities.

Haley said President Donald Trump wants to meet three goals in Syria before bringing U.S. troops home: to make sure chemical weapons won't be used "in any way that could harm American national interests," to defeat ISIS and to make sure the country isn't in danger of coming under Iranian influence.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.