

Putin Invited To Visit Washington Early Next Year

National security adviser John Bolton announced the White House invited Putin for a session of "consultations."

The White House has invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Washington early next year. That's according to National Security Adviser John Bolton, who said the specific scheduling hasn't been worked out yet.

Bolton recently visited Moscow, where he met with Putin and other senior Russian officials to discuss the U.S.'s withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty. 

President Donald Trump announced less than a week ago that the U.S. would pull out of the landmark treaty, which he accused Russia of violating. Putin has denied those claims and warned that the U.S.'s decision could lead to a global arms race. 

Despite the escalating rhetoric, President Trump said he would likely meet with Putin in Paris in November, where the president will observe the anniversary of the end of the first World War. 

President Trump drew criticism for his last meeting with Putin in July. At that meeting, the president broke with his own intelligence officials to side with Putin in denying Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Additional reporting by Newsy affiliate CNN.