

Senate Advances DeVos Nomination But Not Without A Fight From Dems

During a rare early morning vote, the Senate voted 52-48 along party lines to advance President Trump's pick for secretary of education.

Betsy DeVos has taken another major step toward becoming the new secretary of education.

During a rare early morning vote, the Senate decided 52-48 along party lines, which forced DeVos' nomination to go to a final vote.

Not a single Democrat voted in favor, and Sen. Chuck Schumer echoed earlier criticisms.

"The nominee for secretary of education is one of the worst nominees that has ever been brought before this body for a Cabinet position," Schumer said.

Now, all that's standing between DeVos and the job is that final confirmation vote, which is expected Monday.

But her confirmation isn't a sure thing. DeVos lost the support of two Republican senators, so the vote could come to an even 50-50.

In that case, Vice President Mike Pence would be the tiebreaker.