

Senate Blocks Trump From Making Any Appointments During August Break

Senators will hold pro-forma sessions during their summer recess to prevent President Donald Trump from firing and replacing anyone during break.

The Senate has blocked President Donald Trump from making any temporary appointments while lawmakers are on their August break.

Before adjourning for the recess on Thursday, senators agreed to hold nine pro-forma sessions over the next four weeks.

During those sessions, legislative business is off the table, and they only last a few minutes at most.

But holding them every three days technically keeps the Senate in session throughout August. And if the Senate is in session, the president can't make appointments.

There were reported concerns Trump would replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions during the recess.

Trump has repeatedly criticized Sessions for removing himself from the Russia investigation.

But Trump is hardly the first president to face a congressional roadblock during recess.

Last year, the Senate used pro-forma sessions to keep then-President Barack Obama from filling a vacant seat on the Supreme Court.