

Senate Votes Against New Witnesses In Impeachment Trial

A vote acquitting the president is likely on Wednesday.

The U.S. Senate moved closer to acquitting President Trump on Friday after voting against hearing from new witnesses including former national security adviser John Bolton.

The trial is likely to end Wednesday with a vote acquitting the president of the two articles of impeachment against him.

Democrats argued in favor of subpoenaing documents and witnesses, especially Bolton.

"Rob this country of a fair trial and there could be no representation that the verdict has any meaning," said lead impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff.

After four hours of debate, the Senate voted down hearing new evidence with enough Republican support to avoid Chief Justice John Roberts needing to break a tie vote.

Also Friday, more damaging information about the president leaked from Bolton’s manuscript 

According to The New York Times, Bolton says President Trump personally asked him to pressure Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.

President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani tweeted that's a lie.

Some Senate Republicans said there still was no need to hear from Bolton, even if he confirms the Democrats' case that the president linked foreign aid to an investigation of a political rival.

"Even if everything the House has alleged is accepted is true, removing the president is not a last resort," Sen. Marco Rubio said. "We have an election in November which is a far better and a lot less damaging remedy."