

Abrams-Backed Group Files Suit Challenging Georgia Election System

Fight Fair Action filed the suit Tuesday against Georgia's interim secretary of state and state election board members.

A political action group backed by Democrat Stacey Abrams filed a federal lawsuit that calls for big changes to Georgia's election system.

This comes nearly two weeks after Abrams ended her bid to be the next governor of Georgia. 

Fight Fair Action filed the suit Tuesday against Georgia's interim secretary of state and state election board members in their official capacities. 

It accuses state elections officials of grossly mismanaging the 2018 midterm election and depriving some citizens — particularly citizens of color — of their fundamental right to vote.

And it cited issues like sweeping voter roll purges, problems with absentee ballots and voting equipment failures.

It was a close race between Abrams and and Republican challenger Brian Kemp. In a speech, Abrams said she would not concede, but acknowledged Kemp would be certified as governor.