

Steve Bannon Loses His National Security Council Gig

The decision to remove Bannon from this role was part of a broader reorganization of the council. He's still the chief White House strategist.

Chief White House strategist Steve Bannon has officially been removed from his role in the National Security Council.

Bannon was bumped from his position as part of a broader reorganization of the council.

President Donald Trump used an executive order to put Bannon on the NSC just days after the inauguration.

The executive order Trump signed Jan. 28 made Bannon, who's still the assistant to the president and chief strategist, a regular attendee for the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council. It also listed him as a regular attendee of the security council's principals committee.

The new memorandum from the president doesn't include the chief strategist at all.

Trump's decision to include Bannon on the council was immediately seen as unusual. Bannon has no political experience and was the former executive chairman of partisan media site Breitbart.

But several reports claimed Trump wasn't fully briefed on the order that gave Bannon a National Security Council seat.

The reorganization also downgraded Homeland Security adviser Thomas Bossert's role.