

Stormy Daniels Denies Having An Affair With Trump

Hours before President Donald Trump's State of the Union address, adult film actor Stephanie Clifford denied having an affair with him.

Adult film star Stephanie Clifford, better known by her stage name Stormy Daniels, denied having an affair with President Donald Trump in 2006. 

The statement came hours before Trump's first State of the Union address. 

The statement reads, "I am not denying this affair because I was paid 'hush money' as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying it because it never happened." 

The alleged affair made headlines earlier this month when the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen arranged a $130,000 payment for Clifford to keep quiet about the affair. 

Clifford's lawyer told the Associated Press the statement is authentic. 

Trump's lawyer and Clifford both deny the affair, but neither has said if she was actually paid any money in 2016.