PoliticsSupreme Court


How Healthy Is The Notorious RBG?

At 85, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the oldest member of the Supreme Court.

As the oldest member of the Supreme Court, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's health is a national point of interest.

The 85-year-old has said she'll stay on the court as long as she can do the job "full steam." But she's had a few health problems over the years. 

She's a two-time cancer survivor. She was treated for colon cancer in 1999, and a decade later she was treated for early stage pancreatic cancer.

In 2014, she had a stent placed in one of her coronary arteries. And on Thursday, she was hospitalized with three fractured ribs after a fall.

Despite those challenges, "the Notorious RBG" has kept up with her notoriously hard workout routine. Her long-time trainer says it plays a key role in her staying strong.