

Trump '100 Percent' Willing To Testify About Comey Discussions

President Trump said Friday he's also willing to speak to the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

One day after the FBI director he fired testified before the Senate, President Donald Trump says he's also willing to testify under oath.

"Would you be willing to speak under oath to give your version of events," ABC's Jonathan Karl asked.

"100 percent," Trump said.

During a joint press conference with the Romanian president Friday, Trump, again, denied telling James Comey a few things — like asking Comey to let go of the investigation into fired national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Trump also said he didn't ask Comey to pledge his loyalty.

Comey told the Senate intelligence committee on Thursday that Trump did make those statements.

Trump says he's willing to speak with the special counsel investigating Russian government efforts to meddle in the 2016 U.S. election.

Jonathan Karl asked, "So if Robert Mueller wanted to speak with you about that?" "I would be glad to tell him exactly what i just told you, Jon," Trump answered.

But the one question Trump wouldn't definitely answer is if recordings of his conversations with Comey exist.

"And you seem to be hinting that there are recordings of those conversations," Karl said.

"I'm not hinting anything. I'll tell you about it over a very short period of time," Trump responded.

Comey said Thursday the president's tweet that said Comey "better hope that there are no 'tapes'" of their conversations had compelled him to share a memo he wrote.

"So I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter," Comey said. "I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel."

And Comey said he's all for the president releasing any tapes — if they exist.

Karl asked: "When will you tell us about the recordings?"

"Over a fairly short period of time," Trump repeated.

One reporter shouted, "Tomorrow? Now?" 

Another reporter yelled: "Why won't you tell us now, Mr. President?"

Another asked: "Are there tapes, sir?"

Trump replied: "Oh, you're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer, don't worry."

But we might know if any tapes exist sooner rather than later. The House intelligence committee said Friday it requested an answer from the White House counsel by June 23.

The committee also sent a letter to Comey requesting he provide the committee any notes or memos in his possession regarding his discussions with Trump.