

Trump Administration Looking At New Family Separation Policy

The policy reportedly being considering could keep families detained for months or even years awaiting trial.

The Trump administration is reportedly looking at new policy options that could lead to more family separations at the border. 

The Washington Post reports officials are considering a policy that would detain asylum-seeking families for 20 days. At that point, families would be given the option of either staying in detention indefinitely until their immigration trial or giving up their children to the government for relatives to pursue custody.

In May, the Trump administration implemented a policy that mandated all undocumented immigrants crossing the border be prosecuted. That in turn lead to hundreds of children being separated from their families. 

Following massive outcry, the president signed an executive order in June requiring families be detained together. Later that month, a federal judge issued an injunction, ordering the administration to reunite families within 30 days. 

As of September, more than 400 children remained separated from their families. 

Additional reporting by Newsy affiliate CNN.