

Sebastian Gorka Is Out Of The White House

Combative Trump aide Sebastian Gorka has left his role at the White House.

Controversial Trump aide Sebastian Gorka has left the White House.

Gorka's official title was the deputy assistant to the president, but he was perhaps best known for his combative cable news appearances:

"I think it's pathetic that the BBC would use words of that nature," Gorka said.   

"Jake, do you not care? Do you not care about the devastation, half a million people killed?" Gorka said on CNN. 

"Your wife is in control of 20 percent of the sale — can I finish?" Gorka said during an interview with MSNBC. 

But those clashes reportedly didn't sit well with his new boss, White House chief of staff John Kelly.

Gorka's exit comes after another Trump aide, Steve Bannon, left his post as White House chief strategist. Gorka used to write for Bannon's right-wing news outlet Breitbart about national security.