

Trump Slams Germany's Trade Surplus As 'Very Bad' For The US

President Donald Trump tweeted the U.S. has a "MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany," which he says isn't good for Americans.

President Donald Trump is criticizing Germany again, intensifying tensions between the two countries even more.

On Tuesday morning, Trump tweeted Germany is hurting the U.S. with its trade surplus and because he says it's not spending enough on NATO military defense.

He tweeted that's "very bad" for the U.S. and said "this will change."

That tweet was likely a response to what German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday. During a campaign rally, she suggested her country's relationship with the U.S. had shifted, saying, "The era in which we could fully rely on others is over, to some extent."

But on Tuesday, Merkel reiterated Germany's relationship with the U.S. is of "outstanding importance."

It's unclear exactly how Trump plans to change trade with Germany. But his tweet echoes comments he reportedly made during private meetings with European leaders in mid-May.

According to German media, he called the country "very bad" because of its trade deficit with the U.S.

He also slammed 23 of the 28 NATO allies for owing what he calls "massive amounts of money" to the alliance.