

Trump: $25 Billion For Border Wall Funding Isn't A 'Red Line'

During a press conference Monday, President Trump reiterated his willingness to shut down the government to get increased "border security."

In a press conference Monday, President Donald Trump reiterated the sentiment of a tweet from the day before — he needs "border security" or he'll let the government shut down. 

"We need border security. Border security includes the wall. But it includes many other things. We have to end the lottery. We have to end the chain. The chain is like a disaster," Trump said. "We have to change our laws, and we do that through Congress. So I would certainly be willing to close it down to get it done."

Immigration issues have been a sticking point throughout Trump's presidency. He's said he wants $25 billion for a southern border wall, but Monday the president said he "always leaves room for negotiation."

"Is the $25 billion a red line for you?" a reporter asked. 

"I have no red line. ... I just want great border security," Trump said. 

Government shutdowns typically happen when Congress can't pass a budget. The next budget deadline is Sept. 30.