

Trump To Focus On 'Building A Proud America' During His First SOTU

A senior administration official told reporters Trump's speech will focus on "building a safe, strong and proud America."

President Donald Trump will give his first State of the Union address Tuesday.

A senior administration official told reporters Trump's speech will focus on "building a safe, strong and proud America." 

And he's expected to touch on several major policy areas — including the economy, immigration and national security. 

But some wonder if Trump will stay on message during his speech, or if he'll address some of the controversy surrounding his presidency, like the Russia investigation.

Trump gave his first joint address to Congress not long after he was inaugurated last year, though it wasn't an official State of the Union speech. 

Stick with Newsy as we cover Trump's first State of the Union live Tuesday night. Our special coverage starts at 7 p.m. Eastern time.