

Trump Is Pulling The US From Another International Agreement

The White House said Wednesday it would withdraw the U.S. from the Universal Postal Union.

The Trump administration is pulling the United States out of a international group it's been a part of for more than 140 years. 

On Wednesday, The White House said it will withdraw the U.S. from the Universal Postal Union. The U.N. organization coordinates mail policies and rates across the world. 

President Donald Trump ordered a review of the U.S.'s membership in August, citing economic and national security concerns. The administration says the UPU's policies allow foreign companies to ship products within America at lower rates than domestic companies, costing the U.S. about $300 million a year.

This is just the latest international organization or agreement that Trump has pulled the U.S. from. The most notable withdrawals include the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris climate agreement, the Iran nuclear deal and the U.N. Human Rights Council

When the U.S. State Department notifies the UPU, that will trigger a one-year withdrawal process. But the administration left the door open to staying in the group, if it can negotiate policy reforms.