

VA Secretary Recognizes Taxpayer-Funded Europe Trip Doesn't Look Good

Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin recognized his trip to Europe might seem bad after a report came out citing he misused taxpayer funds.

Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin acknowledges his taxpayer-funded trip to Europe might not look great.

He said Thursday: "I do recognize the optics of this are not good. I accept responsibility for that."

Shulkin said that after the VA inspector general released a report Wednesday about Shulkin's misuse of taxpayer dollars. In the report, the inspector general said Shulkin improperly accepted tickets to Wimbledon in 2017 and used taxpayer dollars for his wife's airfare to Europe.

Republican Rep. Mike Coffman said Shulkin should resign and said, "It's not the optics that are not good, it's the facts that are not good."

Shulkin said he'll go along with any recommendations the inspector general makes.