

Several White House Officials Deny Writing Anonymous NYT Op-Ed

The writer of the anonymous op-ed published in The New York Times on Wednesday said they were part of a "quiet resistance" in the administration.

Denials are starting to roll in from senior Trump administration officials saying they didn't pen the anonymous New York Times op-ed that was published on Wednesday. 

The author said they were part of a "quiet resistance within the administration." 

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized the Times for publishing the piece and said whoever wrote it should resign. Vice President Mike Pence's office said that he "puts his name on his Op-Eds" and the office itself is "above such amateur acts." And Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said simply that he and his principal deputy didn't write it.

President Donald Trump questioned the existence of the senior administration official in a tweet Thursday morning. 

He said that if the "gutless anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to the government at once."