

Democrats Are Boycotting The Inauguration Ceremony En Masse

Here are the people planning to skip the inauguration on Friday.
Rep. John Lewis speaks at a podium
and last updated

Democratic representatives began boycotting the inauguration en masse after President-elect Donald Trump's Twitter feud with Georgia Rep. John Lewis on MLK Day. Almost 60 lawmakers from 25 states say they're not going; here's the breakdown:

What's The Schedule For Inauguration Weekend?

What's The Schedule For Inauguration Weekend?


Arizona:Rep. Raúl GrijalvaRep. Ruben Gallego

California:As the most populous state and well-known for its liberal views, California has more representatives boycotting the inauguration than any other state: 15. That's more than a quarter of the state's representatives.

Rep. Barbara Lee

Rep. Grace NapolitanoRep. Jared Huffman

Rep. Jerry McNerney

Rep. Juan Vargas

Rep. Judy Chu

Rep. Karen Bass

Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard

Rep. Mark DeSaulnier

Rep. Mark Takano

Rep. Maxine Waters

Rep. Raul Ruiz

Rep. Tony Cárdenas

Rep. Ted Lieu

Rep. Zoe Lofgren

Florida:Rep. Darren SotoRep. Frederica WilsonRep. Alcee Hastings

Georgia:Rep. John Lewis basically started it all. Many of these lawmakers cited his Twitter feud with Trump as their reason for boycotting. Some even used #IStandWithJohnLewis when they made the announcement on Twitter.

Rep. Mike QuigleyRep. Bobby Rush — An aide told the Chicago Tribune Rush won't be attending because his wife is in the hospital.Rep. Daniel Lipinski

Rep. Jan Schakowsky

Kentucky:Rep. John Yarmuth

Maine:Rep. Chellie Pingree

Maryland:Rep. Anthony Brown

Rep. Jamie Raskin

Massachusetts:Rep. Katherine Clark

Michigan:Rep. John Conyers Jr.

Minnesota:Rep. Keith Ellison

Mississippi:Rep.Bennie Thompson

Missouri:Rep. William Lacy Clay

New Hampshire:Rep. Carol Shea-Porter

New Jersey:Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman

Rep. Donald Payne Jr. 

New York:Rep. Adriano Espaillat

Rep. Jerrold Nadler

Rep. José Serrano

Rep. Louise Slaughter

Rep. Nydia Velázquez

Rep. Yvette Clarke

North Carolina:Rep. Alma Adams

Rep. G.K. Butterfield

Ohio:Rep. Marcia Fudge

Oregon:Rep. Kurt SchraderRep. Earl Blumenauer

Rep. Peter DeFazio

Pennsylvania:Rep. Dwight Evans

Rep. Mike Doyle

Tennessee:Rep. Steve Cohen

Texas:Rep. Al GreenRep. Joaquin Castro

Rep. Lloyd Doggett

Virginia:Rep. Don Beyer

Washington:Rep. Adam SmithRep. Pramila Jayapal

Wisconsin:Rep. Mark Pocan