Science and Tech


Amazon Now Offers 2-Hour Whole Foods Delivery In Select Cities

Amazon is offering free Prime Now delivery of Whole Foods groceries in parts of four cities.

Amazon is now making it pretty easy for some of its customers to get their groceries.

Starting Thursday, the company is offering free Prime Now delivery of Whole Foods groceries in parts of Cincinnati; Dallas; Austin, Texas; and Virginia Beach, Virginia.

That means Amazon Prime customers in those areas can get items like fresh produce, meat, seafood, flowers and other items delivered right to their door within about two hours.

Whole Foods' co-founder and CEO said in a statement: "We're happy to bring our customers the convenience of free two-hour delivery through Prime Now. ... Together, we have already lowered prices on many items, and this offering makes Prime customers' lives even easier."

Amazon has been working to integrate with Whole Foods ever since it acquired the grocery giant last year, including slashing prices and selling its Echo and Echo Dot devices in stores.

Amazon says it plans to expand its Whole Foods delivery service to more places in the U.S. this year.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.