Science and Tech


Amazon Dash, A WiFi Connected Shopping List Manager

Amazon announced Amazon Dash, a WiFi connected, voice-enabled device for managing your AmazonFresh shopping list.

Amazon has announced a new device for AmazonFresh customers.

It's called Amazon Dash. The WiFi connected, remote-shaped device allows you to scan barcodes or speak items you'd like to add to your AmazonFresh shopping list. Here, we'll let an Amazon spokesperson give you some more info.

"You never have to worry about being out of something you need. With Amazon Dash, you can order over 5,000 items. … Guitar strings." (Via Amazon)

The device syncs up with the AmazonFresh store — a collection of thousands of products currently available in San Francisco, SoCal, and Seattle — building your shopping list so you don't forget when you hop online and order.

And yeah, you heard that right, Amazon's Fresh service is only available in a few areas. But a writer for The Next Web suggests expansion could be right around the corner.

"The company is clearly unveiling it now, however, to get some early feedback before AmazonFresh is rolled-out further in the US." (Via The Next Web)

Amazon is framing the device as a convenience tool, making it that much simpler to stay away from the grocery store and — judging by that adorable spokesperson — take care of the kids.

But Engadget says the company is just sticking to its agenda. "It falls right in line with Amazon's existing hardware plans. These days the e-commerce giant is all about pushing low-cost gadgets to reduce the friction of buying more stuff."

Those low-cost gadgets being the Kindle Fire, the new Fire TV, and now the Dash. Spend a little money on the device and a lot of money on what you use it for — books, media, groceries, etc.

Amazon is offering Dash for free, but it's by invitation only. You can sign up to try it out, but you'll have to be an AmazonFresh customer.