Science and TechAnimals and Insects


More businesses are allowing pets in the office

A survey from says nearly 75% of people are more likely to stay with a company that lets them bring pets to work.

If you're having a rough time transitioning back to the office, you're not alone.

But here's something that might help: More businesses are letting employees bring pets to the office to attract new hires and encourage in-person work. 

A survey last year from says nearly 75% of people are more likely to stay with a company that lets them bring pets to work. 

Why is the American pet industry growing?

Why is the American pet industry growing?

More than 23 million Americans adopted a pet during the pandemic. But that's not the only reason.


Amazon's Dogs at Work program has 10,000 pups registered at 140 offices across the country, which is a 3,000% increase from three years ago.

Research shows pets can improve morale, reduce anxiety and lower blood pressure.