Science and TechAnimals and Insects


Rare alligator sightings being reported in Pennsylvania

In the last month, two alligators were spotted in the Kiski River, just outside of Pittsburgh.
An alligator peeks above the water.

Alligators are reportedly being spotted in the Kiski River, which runs through Pennsylvania.

Joshua Kelley told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that he was kayaking with five others when they came across a gator on Sunday. 

“We were kayaking and saw an animal and thought it was a muskrat, but realized it was an alligator," he said. 

Alligators are not native to Pennsylvania. According to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute, they are centralized in the southeastern part of the country, but can also be found in freshwaters as far north as the Carolinas. 

You have to see this 14-foot-long alligator captured in Mississippi
Hunters pose with their record 14'3

You have to see this 14-foot-long alligator captured in Mississippi

A group of hunters just made a record-breaking catch that's the size of some cars.


Kelley said he reported the sighting to authorities so they can try to capture the gator. 

This is the second time an alligator was spotted in the Kiski River in the last month. 

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports that another alligator, which is believed to be 4 years old, was captured on Aug. 6.  

The alligator, known as "Chomper," achieved local fame in the areas just outside of Pittsburgh. After an initial sighting, search groups were formed to locate the gator. 

“I was terrified someone was going to shoot him," Armstrong County humane officer Amber Phillips told the newspaper. "I’m very grateful Chomper is safe."

Authorities believe the gators were likely dumped in the river.

Chomper has a new home with a reptile rescue organization.

People in the area are encouraged to call 911 if they see any other gators.