Science and Tech


The Maker Of OxyContin Is The Target Of Yet Another Lawsuit

Another state is suing Purdue Pharma, saying it used deceptive marketing practices to profit from OxyContin sales.

Another state has filed suit against OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma, alleging that it contributed to the opioid epidemic by using deceptive marketing practices.  

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey announced the lawsuit against the drugmaker Tuesday. It claims Purdue downplayed the addictiveness of its painkiller in order to profit from its sales.  

The pharmaceutical company issued a statement to media outlets saying, in part, that it vigorously denies the allegations.  

Multiple other states and local entities have sued Purdue, but Healey said Massachusetts' lawsuit is the first to name 16 current and former executives and board members as defendants. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN