Science and Tech


Apple CEO Tim Cook Calls For US Digital Privacy Law Reform

During a speech at a privacy conference in Brussels, Cook commended the European Union for its data protection laws.

Apple CEO Tim Cook is calling for tough digital privacy laws in the U.S.

During a speech at a privacy conference in Brussels Wednesday, Cook commended the European Union for its new data protection law, which went into effect back in May.

As Newsy previously reported, that law requires any company that handles personal data of EU citizens to protect information that could be used to identify someone, like names, photos or email addresses. 

Several media outlets quote Cook as saying: "It is time for the rest of the world, including my home country, to follow your lead … We at Apple are in full support of a comprehensive federal privacy law in the United States."

His speech came just one week after Apple updated its privacy website to include several new features, including the option for U.S. customers to see all the information the company has collected about them.