Science and Tech


The Latest Attempt To Save The World? Edible Food Packaging

You probably won't see it on store shelves for another three years.

This is food packaging you can eat.

Plastic doesn't easily break down. This edible, biodegradable packaging could be a solution.

SEE MORE: Organic And Conventional Milk Have A Few (Small) Differences After All

It's made out of milk proteins, which is why you can eat it.

The U.S. produces way more milk than the population can consume, anyways.

The proteins in the packaging also keep out oxygen better than plastic, meaning food spoils slower.

But you likely won't see this on store shelves for another three years.

The packaging actually has no taste, but the creators say flavors could be added.

Of course, this wouldn't eliminate all plastic from food packaging. To keep things sanitary, individual servings would still need to be wrapped in an outer layer of plastic.