Science and Tech


Cases Of Rare Polio-like Illness Continue To Increase

The CDC says there are 90 confirmed cases of acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM, in 27 states this year.

Officials are now looking into more than 250 possible cases of a mysterious polio-like illness that's spreading across the country.

The CDC said Tuesday there are 90 confirmed cases of acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM, in 27 states this year. Most of them are children between the ages of 2 and 8. 

AFM is a neurological condition that targets the spinal cord. It can cause weakness in the limbs, paralysis and even death. It's unclear exactly what's causing this recent outbreak of AFM, but some experts say it could be a virus. 

Health officials say regular vaccinations, hand washing and mosquito bite protection could help prevent AFM.   

So far, no one has died from the condition in 2018.