Science and Tech


Cryptic Apple Event Invite Leads To Rumors Of New iPad

Invitations have been sent out for an upcoming Apple Event just a month after the announcement of the iPhone 6.

Apple might just have another big reveal or two left up its sleeve this year.

Just a month after the reveal of the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and Apple Watch, Apple says it’s planning another announcement.  

Invitations that say “It’s been way too long” have been sent out for a mysterious Apple media event to be held October 16th.

Around this time last year, Apple revealed its latest tablet model and its newest operating system. Speculators believe something similar may occur with this upcoming event.

Many believe Apple will be showcasing some new iPad models with Touch ID fingerprint sensors.

And, of course, its new operating systemOS X Yosemite may also be a headliner. The system has been promised to be “powerful” and have an “elegant” design.

A Re/code writer predicted the upcoming event will be a “more laid-back affair” than the company’s big iPhone reveal last month.

And if location is any indication, he may be correct. The event is being held in the small town hall auditorium where the first iPod was introduced.

While the iPhone 6 launch was held at the much larger Flint Center.

These kind of big releases account for about half of the company’s earnings, making them crucial to business

Businessweek reports Apple has been suffering as the tablet industry has been falling, so it will be interesting to see how the company plans to address the issue.

This video includes images from Getty Images.