Science and Tech


Diabetes During Pregnancy Can Be Deadly For Children

A new study says babies born to mothers with pre-existing diabetes are twice as likely to die within their first year.

Another reason to really manage blood sugar during pregnancy:

A new study says babies born to mothers with pre-existing diabetes are twice as likely to die within their first year. Stillbirths, according to British researchers, are more than four times more likely to happen. (Via WNBC)

But, researchers say it's controllable. 

 "...diabetic women who had good control of their blood sugar and took folic acid supplements had the fewest amount of complications." (Via KGW-TV)

PREGNANT WOMAN: "Have to monitor what we eat and what we drink, our exercising, our stress levels. Everything." (Via YNN)

It's well known diabetes can increase the risk of blindness, kidney disease and heart disease. This new study out of Newcastle University in the UK found no difference in the risk for babies when it comes to women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. 

Still, researchers say women with pre-existing diabetes can have healthy babies with better control of their blood glucose levels. (Via KSTP)

They advise pregnant women with diabetes to talk with their doctors as early as possible in their pregnancies.