Science and TechEnergy


Supply Chain Troubles Slow Down U.S. Solar Power

The solar industry forecast for 2022 is slowing thanks to supply chain slowdowns.

More companies and families are looking to solar power for electricity but with supply chain issues facing every industry some forecasts say that interest could slow.

The recent growth in the solar industry has come with ups and downs. An industry report released this month claims policy uncertainty and supply chain issues are driving solar price increases. This resulted in a 25 percent decrease in the solar industry forecast for 2022.

A major part of the industry’s future hinges on action in Washington. Early drafts of President Biden’s “Build Back Better” act included generous benefits for solar adoption.  But the money is far from a sure thing. The bill does not have the 50 votes it needs to get through the Senate. If it eventually passes, the Build Back Better bill could triple the amount of solar deployed in our country, according to the U.S. Solar Market Insight report.