Science and Tech


Note To Self: Don't Use Your Galaxy Note 7 On A Plane

The Federal Aviation Administration issued the warning because the phones can explode.
Posted 1:08 PM, Sep 09, 2016

Don't use your Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on an airplane.

That request comes from the Federal Aviation Administration, which is asking owners of the phablet to not charge it or even use it during a flight.

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The FAA says the stance is due to "recent incidents and concerns raised by Samsung about its Galaxy Note 7 devices." And those incidents, of course, are reports of the phones spontaneously exploding.

The Galaxy Note 7 came out in early August. Shortly after, Samsung heard the phones were catching fire. An investigation found faulty batteries were to blame.

So the company recalled all of the phones — that's about 2.5 million of them.

Some international airlines already have some sort of rule book on the devices. Tigerair in Singapore has banned the phones, as well as Qantas, Virgin Airlines and JetStar.

The FAA also said it doesn't want the phones in carry-on luggage. So if you're a frequent traveler, you probably want to replace your Note 7 sooner rather than later.

Samsung says it'll replace all phones with a newer version as part of the recall.