Science and Tech


FDA Says Daily Aspirin Won't Prevent First Heart Attack

The FDA denied Bayer's request to label its aspirin "heart attack prevention" and said it doesn't believe aspirin helps prevent a first heart attack.

It goes something like, "An aspirin a day keeps the heart attack away." Or maybe it's an apple and a doctor? Regardless, the common practice of taking baby aspirin daily to prevent a heart attack might not be effective.

"The drug thins the blood which makes it less likely to clot, helping prevent heat attacks. But FDA researchers say they now have no reason to support that claim." (Via KEZI)

After examining several major studies, the FDA is now saying you should not take aspirin daily if you haven't had heart problems and that it won't help to prevent a first case. 

"The risk of internal bleeding outweighs potential benefits. In fact, researchers say they now don't even believe taking aspirin daily will prevent a heart attack or stroke, except for people who have many risk factors." (Via KOMO)

Instead, the FDA says daily aspirin should be reserved for people who have already had a heart attack or whose doctor encourages it. (Via Wikimedia Commons / Ragesoss)

This update from the FDA comes just a few days after the agency denied Bayer's request to change its medication label to "heart attack prevention." 

According to Bloomberg, the medication was responsible for $1.27 billion in sales for the German-based company last year.

But really, if it's a question of should you or shouldn't you take aspirin daily, all signs point to "Ask your doctor."