Science and Tech


Future Co-worker? Epson's 'Compact' Paper Recycling Machine

This gigantic hunk of machinery can turn old, used paper into newly pressed pages within minutes.

Does your office use a lot of paper?

It's not the only one. 

Unfortunately, recycling paper can be a pain — and costly. 

That's why Epson decided to make this: The PaperLab.

It's a "compact office papermaking system."

That also happens to take care of shredding, recycling and getting more paper. (Video via Epson)

The PaperLab uses a "dry process" because it needs very little water. (Video via Epson)

Cost of the PaperLab is unclear. So is its energy consumption. 

Ars Technica guesses it could cost as much as $75,000 (or more), which is about the same price as a Tesla Model X.

This video includes images from Getty Images and hobvias sudoneighm / CC BY 2.0.