Science and Tech


Google Commits To Using Recycled Materials In Its Devices

The company's latest sustainability plan also includes a pledge for 100% carbon-neutral shipping by 2022.

Google says it's going to start incorporating recycled materials into all of its Made by Google devices. That includes products like Pixel, Google Home and Chromecast.

The tech company says it will start making that change in 2020. It's part of Google's latest sustainability plan which also includes a pledge for 100% carbon-neutral shipping by 2022.

Google is already about halfway to that goal. From 2017 to 2018, it says it cut carbon emissions in product shipment by 40%.

While the plan does list out some specific commitments, it doesn't do much in the way of explaining how Google plans on delivering on those promises.

Google competitors, Apple and Samsung, have made similar changes. Apple says more than 40 components in some iPhones are made with recycled plastic and every iPhone logic board is made of recycled tin. The company also recycles some of its packaging.

And earlier this year, Samsung committed to replacing all of its plastic packaging materials with eco-friendly or sustainable materials.