Science and Tech


Google To Sell Glass To U.S. Customers April 15

Google is making Glass available to anyone in the U.S. on April 15. But this still isn't the hardware's official launch.

Google hasn’t planned a full-consumer launch for Glass yet. But next week will serve as a preview.

The company announced Thursday, Glass will be available to anyone in the U.S at 9 a.m. Eastern time next Tuesday, April 15. (Via Google)

But we weren’t supposed to know about this yet. The Glass team writes, “Whoops. So... we'd planned to post this next week, but it looks like the cat's out of the bag now.”

That’s thanks to The Verge, who posted the leak just a few hours before Google made its announcement.

The Verge found out about the Glass push from a set of internal documents. And from the looks of it, the facts line up.

The tech will sell for the current $1,500 price tag. It will come with a free sunglasses share or a pair of its newly-introduced prescription frames. And supplies are limited. (Via Google)

The only fact that wasn’t confirmed in Google’s post is this one in The Verge’s headline – that it will be available one day only.

Though depending on Google’s stock and customer demand, this offer could be a one morning only deal. But that might be part of the point.

The Verge speculates, “[the offer] could be Google's way of clearing out Explorer edition stock ahead of the full consumer launch.” 

​For wannabe Glassheads, it’s important to note, this will be a part of Google’s Explorer program .

TechCrunch adds, “So that comes with all the caveats about this being bleeding edge tech that’s prone to some bugs and refinements yet to come.”

This public offer marks a new strategy from the company. (Via Google)

It first offered Glass in 2012 – yes, two years ago – to those who signed up at Google I/O. Then, it launched it’s #ifihadglass campaign. (Via Google)

Just Tuesday, the company introduced a Glass at Work program, aimed at bringing the tech into businesses.

But if you’re tired of waiting, the only way to get in this time is to show up at 9 a.m. eastern April 15, which is also tax day. Maybe you should do that first.