Science and Tech


How Your Temper Could Affect Your Heart

Researchers observed an increased risk in various heart-related problems including stroke and heart attack in people who frequently get angry.

It's no secret getting angry raises blood pressure, but those with a short temper might be increasing their risk of heart trouble.

A new study in European Heart Journal says frequent angry outbursts can raise the odds for a heart attack or stroke within just two hours.

HealthDay reports Harvard researchers analyzed nine separate studies conducted over nearly five decades. Those studies included more than 4,500 cases of heart attacks and more than 1,600 cases of other heart problems such as ventricular arrhythmia and stroke.

The researchers observed the risk of heart attack or acute coronary syndrome increases nearly five times two hours after the angry outburst — with the risk of stroke increasing almost four times. (Via YouTube / BioDigital)

The researchers note the risk of heart trouble after a single outburst remains low, but there are certain people who might be at higher risk — such as those with existing risk factors or frequent outbursts.

BBC reports the risk is cumulative, meaning about five outbursts a day could contribute to more than 150 extra heart attacks per 10,000 low-risk individuals per year — compared to only one extra heart attack for a single outburst.

The findings are in line with current known facts about the heart. A medical expert tells CNN anger increases heart rate and stress hormone levels, both of which contribute to "undesirable reactions in our blood pressure or in our arteries."

The researchers say the findings highlight the need to screen patients for depression and other mental stress issues to minimize risk of developing heart problems. (Via YouTube / Animatrix Studio)

The recent research comes one week after another study observing an increased risk in heart attack and stroke in individuals grieving over the loss of a loved one. (Via Medical Daily)

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 715,000 Americans have a heart attack every year.