Science and Tech


Moldy Recalled Chobani Yogurt Could Be Harmful To Consumers

Chobani recalled its yogurt in September 2013 after a mold was discovered in its products. That mold could be more dangerous than previously thought.

Ten months after moldy yogurt prompted a nationwide recall of Chobani products, it turns out the mold is more dangerous than previously thought. (Via Flickr / messycupcakes)

Back in September, the company voluntarily recalled many of its Greek yogurt products after receiving reports of consumers developing sicknesses and gastrointestinal issues. (Via ABC)

In a blog post, Chobani explained its products had been tainted by a mold "commonly found in the dairy environment" and said the mold was "unlikely to have ill health affects."

And Chobani's CEO said at the time the mold developed due to the absence of preservatives in its products. (Via Chobani)

A link between the more than 400 reported illnesses and the moldy yogurt have not been confirmed.

It's called mucor circinelloides and Nature World News reports researchers have identified that mold as a more dangerous subspecies of the otherwise harmless fungus, and it could cause infections in people.

In a press release, the researchers say although the effects of the identified mold strain on humans are currently not yet fully understood, tests of the strain in mice lead to death.

According to NBC, a Chobani executive rejected the findings — saying, "To our knowledge, there is no evidence ... that the strain in the recalled products causes illness in consumers when ingested."