Science and Tech


Google Faces Another Gender Pay Discrimination Complaint

An amended version of a dismissed suit was filed on Wednesday.

Google is facing new allegations of gender pay discrimination in a revised lawsuit filed Wednesday.

A new complaint says Google pays female teachers in the company's childcare center less than their male counterparts, even when the men are less qualified.

The new accusations follow a class-action discrimination lawsuit filed against the company in September. That alleged Google routinely pays less and offers fewer promotions to its female employees. It was dismissed last month for being too broad.

The original suit was preceded by a pay disparity investigationby the Department of Labor. In April, the department said it had "compelling evidence" of discrimination against women. An investigator said, "Discrimination against women in Google is quite extreme, even in this industry."

Google had a momentary win in June when a judge declared the company didn't have to give the department information it requested about worker salaries.

Google says it closed its gender pay gap last year. In regards to Wednesday's lawsuit, a spokesperson for the company repeated an earlier statement which said, "We disagree with the central allegations of this amended lawsuit."