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More Than 300 Sick On Royal Caribbean Cruise

More than 300 passengers and crew members have fallen ill on a Royal Caribbean cruise. CDC officials are expected to board the ship to investigate.

There's more trouble for Royal Caribbean. For the second time in a month people on board one of the company's cruise ships have gotten sick — prompting fears of norovirus.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, on Sunday, 281 passengers reported some symptoms commonly seen with norovirus, while 22 crew members said they were also experiencing similar symptoms.

According to the CDC, the most common symptoms of norovirus include vomiting and diarrhea — both of which passengers have reported.

Norovirus, itself, is a highly contagious gastrointestinal illness that can infect someone who drinks contaminted food and water or someone who touches a surface that has the virus. (Via CDC)

CNN notes those who got sick have recieved over-the-counter medication to treat their illnesses. Royal Caribbean says passengers have "responded well."

NBC reports CDC officials from the U.S. are expected to get on board the ship Sunday in St. Thomas — about 100 miles short of its final destination of St. Maarten. There, officials are expected to investigate the outbreak. 

This health scare comes just one week after a similar, though smaller, incident on another Royal Caribbean cruise ship. In that case more than 60 passengers and crew members had come down with an illness thought to be norovirus. (Via KPHO)

Overall, there were more than 4,000 people on the ship that docked in St. Thomas Sunday. The CDC says more than 800 people die from norovirus every year in the U.S.