Science and Tech


Nintendo Is Bringing The Switch To Elementary Schools Across The US

​Its goal is to help elementary schoolers develop STEAM skills through play-based learning.

Nintendo announced Tuesday it will bring its Switch gaming console and Labo kits to around 100 elementary schools across the U.S. in the 2018-2019 school year.

The company has teamed up with the nonprofit Institute of Play to help youngins develop communication and problem-solving skills in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics, or STEAM, through play-based learning. Its goal is to reach about 2,000 students between 8 and 11 before the program ends in March.

For the uninitiated, Nintendo Labo is a DIY construction kit where gamers assemble cardboard cutouts to use in conjunction with the Switch and related software. Some of the projects include building a piano, remote control cars and a robot.

Testing for the program is already underway in greater New York area schools to help the Institute of Play develop a guide for teachers on incorporating the Switch and Labo in the classroom. It will include lesson plans and learning modules built for basic STEAM education. The guide will be available to everyone for free later this fall.