Science and Tech


Nobel Prize in Medicine Awarded For Hepatitis C Discovery

The Nobel committee says the virus' discovery 30 years ago has allowed for better blood tests, new medicines and has prevented millions of deaths.

Three scientists won the Nobel Prize for Medicine Monday for discovering the Hepatitis C virus. The scientists, two American and one British, are the first 2020 recipients of the prestigious award. 

The Nobel committee says the virus' discovery 30 years ago has allowed for better blood tests, new medicines and has prevented millions of deaths.

The World Health Organization says there are over 70 million cases of hepatitis C worldwide and 400,000 people die from it each year. The chronic disease is a major cause of liver cancer and cirrhosis, which often requires liver transplants.

This year's Nobel Prize for Medicine carries particular significance due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has highlighted the importance of medical research around the world.

The other five Nobel Prizes will be announced through October 12.