Science and Tech


Pizza Hut Makes $1M From Xbox 360 App In Four Months

The restaurant\'s Xbox 360 app lets users easily pause gameplay and order pizzas through the controller or voice commands.

Pizza restaurant Pizza Hut made a killing in the months following the release of its XBox 360 app, which allows gamers to order their favorite pies without really lifting a finger. 


That's how you order pizzas in the future. Pizza Hut made more than $1 million from orders through Xbox Live only four months after the app's April 2013 release.

Pizza Hut's director of public relations told Polygon the app has "been a source of unbelievable growth for us." 

He also said the obvious intersection between the Xbox and pizza-loving communities is only a very small part of Pizza Hut's business. (Via The Verge)

He told NBC the company pulls in $1 billion in online sales a year, but the app is bringing in new customers, adding, "11 percent of those who used the app had never ordered from Pizza Hut before." 

Mashable reports a spokesperson for Yum Foods, Pizza Hut's parent company, confirmed that 11 percent figure and added that more orders were placed during the weekends. Shocker!

But let's not get too ahead of ourselves. The app is only available for Xbox 360 for the moment. It isn't even available for Microsoft's newest console, the Xbox One

Pizza Hut's rep said the company is focusing on its mobile apps to match the Xbox 360 experience for now. But he did hint at future applications for, say, Nintendo or Playstation platforms, telling Polygon, "Conversations continue to be ongoing with us. Wherever you are, we want to be."