Science and TechPollution


Pollution Canceled Recess In Beijing

After the severe smog warning in northern China, education officials requested that Beijing students stay indoors.

Kids in Beijing won't be going outside for recess because of China's ongoing smog problem, even though the China Meteorological Administration issued a slightly less severe smog warning Sunday than the one a few days ago.

In Beijing, the Commission of Education announced Sunday that outdoor activities should be suspended for most of the week.

According to China's state-run news agency Xinhua, some schools gave students the option to study at home through an online program instead of going to school.

In November, smog levels were the highest the country had seen all year. Based on the World Health Organization's air-quality index, smog levels were "beyond index."

Activities at schools in China have been repeatedly affected by smog in recent years.

Recent alerts come as China announced plans to reduce coal plant pollutants in the next five years at the COP21 climate talks in Paris. (Video via New China TV)

This video includes images from Getty Images.